Corporate & Event Protocol and Etiquette

Consulting and Training


The Protocol Office, a global management consulting firm, combines corporate protocol with protocol for events designed to provide clients a unique range of management consulting services and specialized training. These come from a multi-cultural  perspective, fusing current protocol rules and procedures with the European and Middle Eastern traditions and customs of hospitality.

Among the first protocol firms in the region, The Protocol Office consulting services are designed for corporate entities, businesses, organizations as well as government agencies. The consulting services specifically focus on individuals working with protocol, meeting and events, conference management, hospitality and communications. It aims at supporting the development and growth of relations between individuals, organizations and countries.

The key to maximize your potential




The Protocol Office provides consulting services on event-related protocol including venue protocol, ceremonies, flags and anthems, seating protocol for VIPs, executives and dignitaries, order of precedence and other related etiquette.




The Protocol Office is one of the first consulting firms in the region to offer training in virtual protocol and etiquette, at a time when corporate and government organizations and executives conduct business through virtual meetings and video conferences.

The training focuses on the role of the Protocol professional, ensuring appropriate conduct and manners when dealing with others and the correct standards and procedures to be followed during events and ceremonies.

The Protocol Office provides consulting and training in the areas of:

Event Protocol

Opening / Closing Ceremonies

Venue Protocol

Protocol Officer / Liaison Officer /

Visit Officer Training

Seating Arrangements

Order of Precedence

Flags and Anthems

Airport Protocol

Protocol Coordination Center

Receiving and Escorting Dignitaries / VIPs

Corporate Protocol



Correct Introductions

Forms of Address

Seating Protocol

Protocol and Hospitality

Official Visits, Meetings, Events, Receptions and Conferences

High-level Events, Meetings and Conferences

Virtual Meetings

Table Settings

Virtual Majlis Protocol

Virtual Play of Anthems

Virtual Protocol Introductions

Event Protocol

Opening / Closing Ceremonies

Venue Protocol

Protocol Officer / Liaison Officer / Visit Officer Training

Seating Arrangements

Order of Precedence

Flags and Anthems

Airport Protocol

Protocol Coordination Center

Receiving and Escorting Dignitaries / VIPs

Corporate Protocol



Correct Introductions

Forms of Address

Seating Protocol

Protocol and Hospitality

Official Visits, Meetings, Events, Receptions and Conferences

High-level Events, Meetings and Conferences

Virtual Meetings

Table Settings

Virtual Majlis Protocol

Virtual Play of Anthems

Virtual Protocol Introductions

Thriving through the knowledge and power of protocol and etiquette


The founders and principals of The Protocol Office, Dr. Andreja Wieser and Mr. Ghassan Hajjaj, both highly experienced professionals in the field of protocol and etiquette, have recognized the importance of protocol in building and managing successful and sustainable relationships across cultures. This is done both face-to-face as well as virtually, as made possible in these technologically changing times.

Together, they share a vision of empowering protocol professionals in corporate entities, businesses, organizations as well as government agencies to succeed through the use of protocol and etiquette in a way that balances contemporary behavior and manners with the traditional rules and ceremonies of protocol.

Dr. Andreja Wieser

Dr. Andreja Wieser

Dr. Wieser, a specialized Protocol and Guest Relations Consultant, brings more than fifteen years of experience in the strategic development and operational management of international dignitary and VIP guest programs during mega events. The highlights of this career included senior positions at several Olympic and Paralympic Games around the world, FIFA World Cups, UEFA European Football Championship and EXPO 2020 Dubai.

As Protocol Vice President for EXPO 2020 Dubai, in her daily work she gained deep insight into the protocol of the United Arab Emirates and understands how to blend the rich Arab heritage of hospitality and guest management with the European traditions of protocol and etiquette.

Mr. Ghassan Hajjaj

Mr. Ghassan Hajjaj

Mr. Hajjaj is an expert in protocol and etiquette, having lived in six countries, he has grown up and worked in multi-cultural environments and speaks eight languages. He is a highly experienced Dubai-based training facilitator and coach, with a long history of managing and creating training course materials for international protocol and business etiquette needs for global corporate entities as well as government organizations.

Mr. Hajjaj graduated from The Protocol School of Washington and was part of the team that trained new Protocol Officers for the U.A.E. Ministry of Presidential Affairs, the Emirates Diplomatic Academy and a number of governmental, educational and private organizations in the Middle East and Europe.

Values are at the heart of our culture


At The Protocol Office, we are:


We own what we do.


We work with knowledge and expertise.


We are open to new ideas and challenges.


We love what we do and are inspired by the people we work with.


We are honest, real, open. We work on trust.


We believe in treating others like we would want to be treated ourselves.

Unlocking the potential in individuals, helping them to thrive and achieve their personal success by acquiring the right protocol and etiquette knowledge


The Protocol Office has chosen the key as its main logo. The key is a symbol of personal knowledge, a key to one`s personal success, a key to unlock inner strength and satisfaction. This allows one to open doors and overcome barriers wherever we go, and access new opportunities and new challenges which would otherwise have remained closed.

The aim of The Protocol Office is to unlock the potential in people as a group or an individual, helping them to thrive and achieve success by acquiring the right protocol and etiquette knowledge as applied internationally.

The key has historical associations with both Western and Eastern cultures, tracing its roots back to Ancient Egyptian and Roman societies.



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